Thursday 5 February 2009

Friends fantastic

My wee blog is doing just what it says on the tin. It's chaincreative!!!!! Nearly every day now I take a peek at who has been visiting and increasingly I can see that there are new friends joining in and they, very kindly I must say, mention me on their blogs. As I said in an earlier post these are really good places to visit and get new ideas and when you go travelling you some times get tempted off into all sorts of new avenues.
Today, chaincreative was visited by a crocheter from London who I met in real time too when she came to my crochet classes. Now she's all grown-up and has a blog of her own, Angel Treats, and that certainly makes be twinkle with pride!!! It's a lovely, friendly place and there's crochet! Amigurumi to be precise.
Another visitor is Hook and Scumble, and there is crochet jewellery there too!
Amigurumi. Jewellery!!? These are my two choices for summer workshops here in Kent. Isn't that just synchronicity!

Tomorrow is interview day here at chaincreative. I wonder who it will be??

1 comment:

Aveen said...

Hi Bee! I feel like I'm famous now! xxx